The Plant provides support to all researchers at the Faculty. This includes not only those with advanced computational needs but also those who’s work does not make use of digital technologies and those who wish to explore their potential. The Plant is also providing entry level experimentation with technologies (e.g., a taster session on Virtual Reality) both during planned activities and on request.
For research proposals it is possible to include The Plant – both in terms of space and computational resources as well as personnel – in grant applications. The Plant Executive Cooperative Group will also be happy to provide support in writing relevant elements of the proposal. Please get in touch with the Plant Coordinator if you wish to include the Plant in a grant proposal.
Each month there will be drop-in hours for researchers with initial questions. For more advanced research questions we recommend that you make an appointment with us directly and provide some insight into your research needs in advance. Depending on the requirements, we can then provide more dedicated support, e.g., by bringing together experts with relevant expertise for an in-depth consultation session.
Appointments can be made via the Booking page.
We’re looking for the next generation of playmakers, digital creatives, technological innovators, and those willing and open to explore. If that sounds like you, then you belong at The Plant!