There is a great deal of digital expertise at FASoS, both among the team affiliated with The Plant and among researchers throughout the Faculty. The Plant will act as an intermediary to help researchers connect with each other and relevant expertise at FASoS.

Areas of expertise include:
  • public-facing research and education projects (online multimodal exhibitions, blogs, digital collections etc.)
  • datasets and databases (SQL, linked data, networks)
  • spatial and temporal visualisation and analysis (mapping; 2D/3D modelling), digital ethnography
  • critical data science and technology studies
  • social statistics
  • sensorial and immersive technologies (audio, virtual and augmented reality, simulation)
  • computational research, including text mining, web scraping, and machine learning, computer vision and AI
  • digital/data design and arts (digital art; data visualisation)
  • remediation of analogue/physical material/data to digital forms
  • digital publishing