Use this booking page to reserve equipment. Available equipment can be found here.
The default for borrowing is 8 hours (one day, with pick-up at 9am and return at 4.30pm at The Plant, unless otherwise agreed). For multiple-day bookings, please book several days in the system.
If you have questions or a complicated booking (ie: more than two days, multiple pieces of equipment, request for a whole course, etc.), please get in touch with us to discuss. Bookings are subject to our approval based on other requests from courses or research activities.
Some equipment comes with additional guidelines or usage restrictions (ie: the 3D printer or the RODE Podcast Pro podcast set), as they are unable to be moved from The Plant and so their availability is dependent on when the room is not already in use.
If you have any questions, please contact us.
We’re looking for the next generation of playmakers, digital creatives, technological innovators, and those willing and open to explore. If that sounds like you, then you belong at The Plant!