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Teaching, Writing, & Research in Times of GenAI

October 29 @ 11:00 am 1:00 pm

Coordinated by Flora Lysen and Charles van Leeuwen

Tuesday 29 October / 11.00 – 13.00 / The Plant

Generative AI writing tools have sparked significant controversy, particularly among academic writing instructors. Some writing educators view language models like ChatGPT as a valuable “opportunity to re-examine our practices and ensure that how and what we teach aligns with our pedagogical values” (Warner 2022). Others see it as a threat to the art of thinking through writing: “using ChatGPT to complete assignments is like bringing a forklift into the weight room; you will never improve your cognitive fitness that way” (Chiang 2024). Regardless of differing opinions, FASoS writing instructors will need to adapt the content of their courses. The question is not if we have to address AI tools in writing courses, but how we can best do it. Many staff will realise their lack of experience and expertise in this domain.

This workshop is dedicated to co-creating assignments that teach students (and staff) how to use generative AI as an aid in the research and writing process, rather than as a replacement for their own work. Participating instructors will explore some best practices for integrating AI into writing education. In the coming months, additional workshop sessions will follow, focusing on related GenAI topics.

Registration for this event is capped at 16 participants. In case of oversubscription, priority will be given to colleagues coordinating/tutoring actively in skills courses. Participants can register 2 hours of “continuous professional development” (CPD) for this event.

To register, please use this link: https://maastrichtuniversity.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3Q6ozBbQlIEO0rY
Additional questions, please email: f.lysen@maastrichtuniversity.nl

Chiang, T. (2024, August 31). Why A.I. Isn’t Going to Make Art. The New Yorker. https://www.newyorker.com/culture/the-weekend-essay/why-ai-isnt-going-to-make-art
Warner, J. (2022, December 5). Freaking Out About ChatGPT. Artificial intelligence can crank out passable student essays in seconds. What are we going to do? Inside Higher Ed. https://www.insidehighered.com/blogs/just-visiting/freaking-out-about-chatgpt%E2%80%94part-i
